Begründer: Ferry Puthut Ha
ndoko -
gechannelt am 06.04.2020
Schönheitskönigin Essenz - Queen Beauty Essence
Language: Manuals Available in your choice of either: English OR German
Queen Beauty Essence was channeled to infuse the energy of beauty toyour soul. It replace the blank spot in your heart with a lovely adorableand romantic energy. It will strengthen your loyalty to your own lovepath to build a powerful determination. Queen Beauty Essence able tostabilize your emotion in difficult circumstances, calming your roughpassion and thoughts to easily resolve trouble in your life. Be the Queenin your own life and spread out positive energy to gain all kinds ofpositive things and valuable possibilities.
1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual
1 Ferneinweihung , 1 pdf Skript
Lehrerlinie - Ferry Puthut Handoko - Raika Karmann ( HeLena )
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