Accredited and Licensed Reseller and Teacher
teacher line - Hari Andri Winarso - Raika Karmann ( HeLena )
Level 1 Praktiker
If you're looking to elevate your spiritual practice and maintain a higher state of consciousness, the Higher Consciousness Maintenance Attunement may be just what you need.
Higher Consciousness Maintenance Attunement was designed to helps you to tap into the highest levels of spiritual consciousness. This attunement works by upgrading your energetic system, including your energy centers, energy channels, and other energetic pathways. As a result, you are able to maintain a higher state of consciousness more easily, which can lead to greater peace, clarity, and well-being.
One of the key benefits of the Higher Consciousness Maintenance Attunement is that it helps you to stay connected to the spiritual realm. This means that you are better able to access higher levels of consciousness, which can be helpful in many areas of your life. For example, you may find that you are more creative, intuitive, and insightful when you are able to maintain a higher state of consciousness.
Another benefit of the Higher Consciousness Maintenance Attunement is that it can help you to release negative energy and patterns that may be blocking your spiritual growth. As you become more attuned to the higher levels of consciousness, you may find that you are able to let go of limiting beliefs, fears, and other obstacles that have been holding you back. This can be a powerful step towards greater spiritual evolution and personal transformation.
The Higher Consciousness Maintenance Attunement is also beneficial for those who are looking to deepen their meditation practice. By connecting more deeply with the spiritual realm, you may find that your meditation practice becomes more profound and meaningful.
You may also find that you are able to access higher levels of spiritual guidance and wisdom, which can be helpful in navigating life's challenges.
Overall, the Higher Consciousness Maintenance Attunement was channeled for anyone who is looking to elevate their spiritual practice and maintain a higher state of consciousness. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or simply someone who is interested in exploring higher levels of consciousness, this attunement can help you to tap into the infinite wisdom and guidance of the spiritual realm. With regular practice, you may find that you are able to maintain a higher state of consciousness in all areas of your life, leading to greater peace, joy, and fulfillment.
1 distant attunement, 1 original English Practitioner PDF manual