Begründer: Ferry Puthut Ha
ndoko -
gechannelt am 10.04.2020
Kraftvolle Segen Energie Ermächtigung - Sharky Bless Energy Empowermet
Language: Manuals Available in your choice of either: English OR German
Sharky Bless Energy Empowerment was channeled to strengthen yourauthority until you able to exudes a powerful authorization energy tobow other people's heads to you. The energy of Sharky Bless EnergyEmpowerment will strengthen your superiority to gain trust from othersthat you are a very reliable person. This modality makes others realizeyour malignancy behind your patience and your self-restraint. It isstrongly able to sharpen your instinct and sense to be able to masteringthe situation without get any resistance.
1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual
1 Ferneinweihung , 1 pdf Skript
Lehrerlinie - Ferry Puthut Handoko - Raika Karmann ( HeLena )
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