Begründer: Ferry Puthut Ha
ndoko - 2013
Blaue Meer Essenz - Blue Sea Essence
Language: Manuals Available in your choice of either: English OR German
Blue Sea Essence has a smooth encourages energy pattern for mental and spiritual growth. It bring a deep emotional introspection and provide a mirror for the mental and mind to keep going with the improvement. Blue Sea Essence drive our mental to take big responsibility in present, also in the future. It makes one's heart to be deeper in accept any lesson and failure of life.Blue Sea Essence exudes tranquility and gentleness to influence the environment to respect and appreciate you as a prestigious person. It's good to neutralize malicious intent and remove any negative energy field from one's life.
1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual
1 Ferneinweihung , 1 pdf Skript
Lehrerlinie - Ferry Puthut Handoko - Raika Karmann ( HeLena )
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