


Énergies commandables - initiations à distance dans différentes énergies et systèmes énergétiques

White - magenta kundalini light empowerments - by Ramón Martínez López

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Product Details

Founder: Ramón Martínez López - 350 €

White - magenta kundalini light empowerments

Prerequisite requirements Having done turquoise kundalini shakti.

Level one:

White kundalini shakti It Reaches the cosmic plane of kundalini energy. It manifests as to your spiritual, everlasting soul This is the light That you come from.

Level two:

Magenta kundalini shakti It Reaches the cosmic over soul of the kundalini energy You are connected with your over soul family of light creation, even your light beings That participate on with you in manifesting life force.

Try to take about three days for each level to the integrated energy This system can be use like reiki This system can be touch for people with at least 100 master level workshops done on Reiki modalities and / or similar.

Otherwise the energy level will be decreased At and could damage the aura. Through meditation you can find uses of These energies, just feel guided to do substance Practice is very important to develop the energies.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

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White - magenta kundalini light empowerments - by Ramón Martínez López
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