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To attain your destiny empowerments™ - by Ramón Martínez López

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F ounder: Ramón Martínez López - 2014 - 350 €

To attain your destiny empowerments™ - Erlangen Deiner Schicksals-Ermächtigungen™


To attain your destiny empowerments On the subject of the term of destiny: Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon cultures roughly Corresponding to do or personal destiny.

In Norse mythology, Mjölnir (MYOL-n (e) r; Also Mjolnir) is the hammer of Thor, a major Norse god associated with thunder . Mjölnir is depicted in Norse mythology as one of the most fearsome weapons, capable of leveling mountains the name to Russian (molniya) and the Welsh word mellt, both words are taken as meaning "lightning". This would make Mjölnir the weapon of the storm god Identified with lightning, as in the lightning-bolt or vajra in Buddhism. In the Old Norse texts, Mjölnir is hamarr Identified as "a hammer", a word That in Old Norse could mean "hammer" as well as "stone, rock, cliff", ultimately derived from an Indo-European word for "stone, stone tools", such as it is cognate with Asman Sanskrit, meaning "stone, rock, stone tools; hammer" as well as "thunderbolt" Ukonvasara, or Ukonkirves, is the symbol and magical weapon of the Finnish thunder god Ukko, similar to Thor's Mjolnir. Ukonvasara means hammer of Ukko; similarly, Ukonkirves means ax of Ukko.

It was Said That Ukko created lightning with Ukonvasara. Useful for Opponents to defeat and black magick, obstacles of any kind That opposed to your soul destiny. To attain your achievements To clean negativity around you It is indestructible and armor or shield for your aura Daily meditation on this system is very important

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To attain your destiny empowerments™ - by Ramón Martínez López
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