


Énergies commandables - initiations à distance dans différentes énergies et systèmes énergétiques

Rose Quartz Energy Radiant

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Product Details

Rose quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone. It is a nature remedy That can be used for treating any issue That needs emotional healing.

Rose quartz is a pink-colored crystal That carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone Whose heart Has Been wounded.
Rose Quartz Radiant Energy is an energy system That is very useful to overcome problems related to the heart.
Derived from a rose quartz Gemstone, this system will connect you with the energy frequencies of the Gemstone.
This will help you to avoid a broken heart, feeling unloved, Self-accusatory, Can not feel and express joy, Judgemental, Malevolence, Excessively in search of self / egocentric, Lacks compassion, Emotionally instable.
Remedy Benefits of Rose Quartz:
Encourages self love
Heals emotional body
Eases heartache
Relieves loneliness
Releases repressed hurts
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