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Pre - Menstrual Syndrome Healing - by Argandini Titisari

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founder - Argandini Titisari - 2013 - 22 €

Pre - Menstrual Syndrome Healing- HEILUNG des PRE-MENSTRUELLEN - SYNDROMS


Pre-menstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms linked to the menstrural cycle .PMS symptoms occur 1 to 2 weeks before your period ( menstruation or monthly bleding ) starts .

The symptoms usually go away after you start blleding PMS can affect menstruating women of any age and the effect is different for each woman Pre-menstrual Syndrome Healing is a powerful energy that helps to balancing the hormones before your period and maintains your health during your period . This energy removes anxiety ,mood swings ,menstrual cramps ,minimize premenstrual breast tenderness ,imbalance ,appetite headache ,fatigue,dizziness or fainting depression confusion caused by hormones imbalance.

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Pre - Menstrual Syndrome Healing - by Argandini Titisari
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