


Énergies commandables - initiations à distance dans différentes énergies et systèmes énergétiques

Karmic clan cleansing - by Manuela Fasoli - 2020

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Begründerin: Manuela Fasoli - 2020

Karmische Clan Reinigung - Karmic clan cleansing

The karmic clan can be removed because many people who don't belong to our genetic line are involved and we don’t have their permission ,but we can clean away their negative energies and give them light.A karmic clan is made of all the people who have come into contact with members of our genetic line without being related.These people may have caused problems for our ancestors,problems that are still present in our genealogy.With this system you help your blood line to be cleaned.

1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual

teacher line - Manuela Fasoli- Raika Karmann ( HeLena ) - you

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Karmic clan cleansing - by Manuela Fasoli - 2020
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