


Énergies commandables - initiations à distance dans différentes énergies et systèmes énergétiques

GOLDEN EYE GRID - Daniela Hills - Manual in english or german

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Product Details

Begründerin: Daniela Hills - 2010 - 111 €

Das Goldene Auge - GOLDEN EYE GRID

Language: Manuals Available in your choice of either: English OR German

Sprache: Handbücher Verfügbar nach Wahl: Englisch ODER Deutsch

It is the eye of the inner knowledge, inner realization. It looks deep into our SELF. It stands for the awakening of the mind and is the symbol of perception.

What will the Golden Eye attunement do for you?

  • The Golden Eye brings calmness of thought, thus creating space for information about receiving or sending.
  • It helps to connect you to information and therefore to become a channel for it.
  • The Golden Eye in the grid will consciously help you to connect with everything and observe, what IS.
  • It brings you into the state of the observer.
  • Through the attunement of The Golden Eye Grid, your spirit will be awakened. You will realize that everything in life is a kind of game, and that you decide how you will play the game.
  • You realize that you are connected to everything that IS, and that there is no coincidences anymore.
  • The Golden Eye of Inner Realization will help you to observe situations from "above" in order to truly understand what is happening in these situations.
  • It opens your intuition and connects you with your inner wisdom.
  • It also helps you to look through the eyes of other people so you might understand them better.
  • With the help of this eye and grid you can be with this consciousness at many places at once.
  • The attunement will help you towards self-mastery.
  • You learn how to detect your conscious and unconscious belief patterns and through this realization you transform them.
  • It is possible to detect the root causes of problems, not only in this life, but also in past lives.

What requirements will you need in order to work with the Golden Eye?

The understanding that you have created everything in your life with the power of your thoughts, consciously or unconsciously.

The understanding that we are all energetically connected with each other, and thus our thoughts and actions affect ourselves and others.

The knowledge that you have the ability to change everything in your life.

The ability to easily relax and let go.

1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual

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GOLDEN EYE GRID - Daniela Hills - Manual in english or german
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