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Darkforce Destroyer Extreme - KP. HARI ANDRI WINARSO WARTONAGORO - 2024 - Magick Systems

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Darkforce Destroyer Extreme - 2024 - Magick Systems

by Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro

teacher line - Hari Andri Winarso - Raika Knoll ( HeLena ) - you

Darkforce Destroyer Extreme

In the realm of magick, where diverse traditions intersect, the battle between light and dark is ever-present.

Magickal practices, influenced by various spiritual paths including Christianity, Judaism, Wicca, and Ifa, have given rise to a complex tapestry of rituals and systems. Among these are traditions like Candomblê, Palo Mayombe, Santeria, and Vodun, which have absorbed elements from Roman Catholicism and other sources.

However, the same paths that offer spiritual enlightenment can also harbor dark forces that seek to disrupt and harm.

The Darkforce Destroyer Extreme is a cutting-edge magickal system meticulously designed to counteract and neutralize malevolent entities and forces.

This system provides robust protection against a wide spectrum of threats, including demons, witches, interdimensional beings, Atlantean magic practitioners, aliens, dark magicians, sorcerers, witch doctors, voodoo practitioners, and evil reptilian magic.

It is particularly adept at dismantling the sinister influences of covens—groups that conspire to amplify their dark powers.

Selecting Your Protection:

The strength of the Darkforce Destroyer Extreme lies in its adaptability. Users can either tap into their higher self to identify and activate the specific protective layers they need or opt for a comprehensive shield by engaging all protective measures simultaneously.

This versatility ensures that the system is a vital asset for anyone striving for spiritual ascension, dealing with negative energetic entities, or seeking to safeguard themselves and their loved ones from dark forces.

Understanding Darkforce Strategies:

While magick in itself is neutral, malevolent practitioners and covens use subtle but effective tactics to cause harm. Understanding these strategies is crucial for effective protection:

  • Malevolent Names: Covens often target individuals whose names do not uplift or protect them. Names that carry negative vibrations, such as Esugbayi, Esubiyi, and Awoniyi, can attract unwanted attention and affliction.
  • Sexual Manipulation: A common tactic is to engage victims in sexual encounters, either in dreams or physically. These interactions are used to siphon the victim’s energy and exert control over their lives.
  • Occult Foods: Victims may be given bewitched foods, such as human parts, blood, or other cursed substances, either in dreams or covertly. Consuming these can lead to initiation into dark practices and cause significant life disruptions.
  • Emotional Manipulation: Covens exploit emotions like anxiety, anger, and vengeance to drive their targets to act irrationally. This manipulation can result in severe consequences, diverting victims from their intended paths.
  • Rejection Markers: By placing marks of rejection on their victims, covens can hinder their progress, isolate them from support, and prevent them from achieving their goals.
  • Judgments and Curses: Covens often impose spiritual judgments and curses on their victims, punishing them for real or perceived offenses. These judgments can lead to significant personal and spiritual suffering.

The Darkforce Destroyer Extreme offers a powerful, comprehensive defense against a wide array of dark forces and malevolent entities.

With its flexible protective measures and deep understanding of dark magick strategies, this system is an essential tool for anyone seeking to protect themselves and their loved ones from spiritual harm.

In an age where the boundaries between light and dark magick are increasingly blurred, the Darkforce Destroyer Extreme stands as a formidable guardian, ensuring safety and spiritual integrity for its users.

1 distant attunement, 1 original English PDF manual

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Darkforce Destroyer Extreme - KP. HARI ANDRI WINARSO WARTONAGORO - 2024 - Magick Systems
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