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Ame-No-Uzume Bliss Essence - by Hari Andri Winarso - 2019

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by Hari Andri Winarso - 2019

Ame-No-Uzume Bliss Essence

teacher line - Hari Andri Winarso - Raika Karmann ( Helena ) - Du

Ame-No-Uzume (Goddess Uzume) is Shinto Goddess of Dance and Happiness. She is the one who created the Kagura dance, a famous sacred Shinto dance in Japan to this day. Ame-No-Uzume has full name Ame-no-Uzume-no-mikoto, and also known as Omiyanome-no-okami.

Ame-No-Uzume Bliss Essence was channeled to help you feel happy, more blessed, full of goodness, joy, and happiness. It will guides you to be happy and enjoy in your life, and assist your life to be better and more better until your future is glorious. And also allows you to feel a great compassion for all living creatures, and helping you to be kind, caring, understand, joyous and outgoing, feeling completely at ease with yourself and the people in your life.

It is a wonderful essence to calming your high emotional levels and assist you to cool down when you are in an extreme level of stress by helps you to "see" every day is always a good day. So, the energy of this essence will encourage you to always have positive and optimistic thoughts.

Ame-No-Uzume Bliss Essence may also help to release anger, stress, anxiety, depression, and any forms of negative feelings, and excellent to heal old and fresh wounds of the heart.

1 distant attunement, 1 Orginal pdf manual

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Ame-No-Uzume Bliss Essence - by Hari Andri Winarso - 2019
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