


Énergies commandables - initiations à distance dans différentes énergies et systèmes énergétiques

999 ESSENTIAL DIVINE SIGHT of HORUS - by Ferry Puthut Handoko - 2021

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Product Details

by Ferry Puthut Handoko - 2021 - 45 €


teacher line - Ferry Puthut Handoko - Raika Karmann ( HeLena ) - you

Also available in German! ( Auch auf Deutsch erhältlich!)

( 999 Essenzieller Göttlicher Horusblick )

999 Essential Divine Sight of Horus was channeled to deeply entering to the source of your psychic sight power and injected the energetic ability of God Horus. It gives easeiness and clear sight to your psychic and spiritual sight to see and read the future and the past of yourself and others by the permission from God Horus Himself. The 999 energy will strengthen the energy of this modality and reinforce you from inside to set you up to be able to completely aligned. The energy of 999 Essential Divine Sight of Horus helpful to unite your spiritual, psychic and mental power to reach the qualified level of evolution of Inner Power in order to inherited the enlightenment of Horus; it useful to help you rearrange the "whole you" and support your psychic and spiritual journey that you perform for goodness for others and yourself. It will be easy for you to set every future step in your life and guide others to out from long lasting adversity.

1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual

You will receive a PDF manual with immediate digital download, and the Chi Ball attunement will be sent to you via email as soon as your attunement is ready.

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999 ESSENTIAL DIVINE SIGHT of HORUS - by Ferry Puthut Handoko - 2021
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