


Παραλλαγμένες ενέργειες - απομακρυσμένες μυήσεις σε διαφορετικές ενέργειες και ενεργειακά συστήματα

VIP God - by Ekaterina Fedosova - 2024

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Founder : Ekaterina Fedosova - 2024 - 99 €



The attunement is intended for men, but women can also receive it and activate it, it will also be useful.

VIP God works with masculinity , masculine energy and a masculine body . It gives clarity in everything : in actions , words , thoughts , etc .

VIP God gives full control over his life, transforms thinking, worldview and self-perception.

No more self-deprecation, no more inflated self-esteem. You ar completely adequate in relation to everything and everyone.

This helps to make clear, correct and timely decisions.You finally know exactly what you want and how to achieve it.Your creative ideas, no more fantasies. You can easily see the ways to achieve your dreams , goals , desires in the VIP God energy.

VIP God increases your spirituality, raises your vibrations to an unprecedented height.You gain the strength and power that male energy gives you.

VIP God is wise, generous, hardworking, and strong for all the things he meets. Any situation, task is no longer hard test for you , it does not cause emotions and eclipses in your mind.

VIP God loves female energy , appreciates and protects it . No VIP God will allow himself or others to offend feminine strength and wisdom.

No VIP God is strong for everything in the world . The whole world, the whole universe is home to VIP God and God takes care of his home . VIP God is the real master in any part of the universe .

VIP God is always under the protection of his affairs, under the protection of female energy and always basks in her support and care .

see much more in the pdf manual .

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