


Παραλλαγμένες ενέργειες - απομακρυσμένες μυήσεις σε διαφορετικές ενέργειες και ενεργειακά συστήματα

Red Revitalizer

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Product Details

Red Revitalizer is great energy cleanser and stimulate immune system, stimulates the flow of lymph and the metabolic processes. Red Revitalizer help you as an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healing tool in removing negative energy from your auric field while aligning your subtle energies. Red Revitalizer stimulates and cleanse base, sex and solar plexus chakra and realigns their energy, so your vitality helped to enhance.With activate Red Revitalizer, you will assisted to revitalize the body and mind, detoxifying the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder. With cleansed the third below chakra you will assisted to increase your intuition, enhance your grounding, help in protecting and keeping you from out undesirable influences. Red Revitalizer give support and courage to you in daily life full of challenges .

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