Begründerin: Linda Colibert / Daelyn Wolf
- Perfekte Partner- und Liebhaberbeziehung Ermächtigung - Perfect Mate and Lover Empowerment - 2020
Very often, we are drawn to mates and lovers who are not always in our best interest.
The energies of this system help you to drawn the man or woman that is right for you to have a long lasting relationship with.
It draws opportunities for you to meet by allowing you both to be in the right place at the right time.
It opens the door to developing good, lasting, healthy, loving relationships.
This system connects you to your higher self, and Universal Source Energy to bring together couples who are well suited for each other, have common interests, believes, and vibrations.
Lehrerlinie - Linda Colibert / Daelyn Wolf
- Raika Karmann ( HeLena )
- Du
teacher line - Linda Colibert / Daelyn Wolf
- Raika Karmann ( HeLena ) - you