


Παραλλαγμένες ενέργειες - απομακρυσμένες μυήσεις σε διαφορετικές ενέργειες και ενεργειακά συστήματα

Ethereal Cedar Core - by Argandini Titisari

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Product Details

by Argandini Titisari - 2012 - 25 €

Ethereal Cedar Core

Ethereal Cedar Core is a great energy from Cedar wood, it has similar benefits with Cedar Essential Oil, but you do not need the oil to get the benefits.

Ethereal Cedar Core useful in easing fear and nervousness, reducing tension and stress. it is thought to aid in boosting Bringing forth courage and inner strength.
The energy of Ethereal Cedar Core helps to clearing acne and rashes.
Also it is has to balancing effect on Both dry and oily skin and hair.
It is thought to regulate the secretion of sebum, Which is responsible for the causes of acne When it is secreted in excess
Ethereal Cedar Core effective in stimulating hair growth and reducing hair loss.
Based on the energy, it has the ability to cleanses negative atmosphere and protect it from negative energy, such as home, working space or you can use it to cleanse / create sacred space.
Ethereal Cedar Core Involves the respiratory system.
It is thought to ease the discomfort Caused by cold and flu, such as cough and congestion.
This beautiful energy Also used to ease the congestion That accompanies sinusitis and bronchitis.
This energy is very calming, it helps to sooth pain and swelling Caused by arthritis and to aid with prostrate issues and urinary tract infection.

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