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Emotional Stability Booster - by Argandini Titisari

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Product Details

founder - Argandini Titisari - 2011 - 30 €

Emotional Stability Booster - Stärkung der emotionalen Stabiltät


Emotion are the ability of humans to evaluate and understand or interpret what is happening at any given moment. Emotion arethe response you make to situations, whether that response is an accurate interpretation of events around you or not. Some common emotional responses you may have experienced in your life are
Your emotions are both positive and negative. Positive and negative emotionsare essential in life in order to understand how things are going. But our emotions alone are notenough, you must enhance yourself in all areas, including education, intelligence, wisdom, organization and positive energy. Your emotions must be controlledor you will become a slave to them, forming harmful addictions and other negative habits. A lot can be determined about how you are controlling your emotion by seeing how you react to things on any given day. Emotional maturity is our ability to control our emotions and recognize the things in life that we can change, and to recognize those things we cannot change and steer clear of investing too much time in the things we cannot change.
Emotional Stability Boosteris a system that stabilize your negative emotional, enhancing problem solving and adapting to change. It also can enhance spiritual awareness and inspiration. For physically, it can be use for healing blood disorders, veins, blood circulation, balance of blood pressure (high or low) and lactation. It has a specific use in balancing all base chakra energies.There are many benefitsof Emotional Stability ;Supports healthy sleep patterns and a healthy balanced appetite Supports emotional wellness and healthSupports the nervous systemSupports a healthy motivated attitudeAddresses common premenstrual and menstrual tears and moodinessSupports a reasonable positive mental attitudeMaintains and adjusted positive temperament.

1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual

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Emotional Stability Booster - by Argandini Titisari
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